28 March 2009

No Pain, No Pain

I just came to a conclusion. The music of today sucks. Big time.

Anyway, I've just realized something. I don't enjoy pain. At least, not anymore. Realizing something like that is a really amazing feat for me. Swear.

Okay everyone, you can all sit down after cheering like crazy.

Anyway, I'm not saying I've come to fear it, nor have I become immune. It's just that I can't find anything worth hurting over anymore. If I were to suffer, if I were to feel pain, I'm okay with it AS LONG AS IT'S WORTH IT.

And Economics 100.2 is SO not worth it. Which is why I'm really pissed at my slipping the night before the exam and nearly hitting my head on the wall. Again.

Bitter ako, damn it! By the way Economics 100.2, if you haven't realized it yet, I HATE YOU.

Go burn.

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