Precious Rochelle O. Gan
An Original Work
These are my words
This is my song
The longer you listen
The more you'll know
I am nothing
I am no one
I am fine
I am fine
Looking in the mirror
I see my face
I'm invisible
I am nothing
Walking in a dazed crowd
No one even bothers if I'm alive
If I'm alive
These are my words
This is my song
The longer you listen
The more you'll know
I am nothing
I am no one
But I'm fine
Yes I'm fine
How do you define ordinary?
What is normal?
What is not?
Living with my own mistakes
Never giving any mind to what is there
I don't really care
These are my words
This is my song
The longer you listen
The more you'll know
I am nothing
I am no one
I am fine
Mighty fine
From this second onward
Listening to what others have to say
What have you got to say?
No one really matters
Stand up from the shadows and take your place
No more time to waste
These are our words
This is our song
The longer you listen
The more you'll know
These are our words
This is our song
The longer you listen
The more you'll know
We are nothing
We are no one
We are fine
p.s. I've included a copy of the raw lyrics. wahahahaha. ok, i gotta start studying economics again.